Thursday, January 8, 2009

Apparently I Need to Articulate More Clearly in the Classroom

This week we began studying the Gupta Empire, and ancient India's golden age. In order to help my students understand the concept of a "golden age," I had them draw pictures illustrating a golden age in an imaginary city or country. One of my students must have mis-heard or mis-understood the term golden age because this is what I received from her the next day:

It's an egg, in case you can't tell. A golden egg.


Annie said...

I hope you gave her a good grade for her very well drawn golden egg. :)

Jay said...

Hi Jacob,

Great blog! I'm an aspiring teacher who just found I was accepted in the STEP program at Stanford. As a past graduate, I was hoping to get a little more information about what you thought of the program. Could I get your email address so that I could ask you a few questions about it? You can email me at jayoneal [at] hotmail [dot] com. Thank you!